Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Being Brave (...on a life after depression!)

 Morning Folks,

So following Matt Haig on twitter is inspiring. I'll say that first. Sometimes I get to a point where I begin to worry that talking about my mental health is oversharing, and as though I'm irritating. But reading Matt Haig's tweets mean that I feel safe and confident enough to share. I will gain nothing from being silent and afraid, and nor will those that battle alongside me. So I am trying to be brave.

The thing about coming out of depression is that it feels like getting to know yourself again. It feels like one day you've bumped into a person you once knew inside out, but have lost touch with. Except that person is yourself. Life after depression, and life whilst coming out of it, is like having a big long catch up with yourself. Remembering all the things you once loved, what kind of a person you are when you're not lost in a void. It's exciting and new. And yet it is incredibly terrifying to realise how much of myself I had forgotten and ignored.

And that's where I am now. I'm not drowning in the big void, but rather paddling at the edges of it. I can breathe again. The void was not pretty, and whilst I accept that I might end up floating around in the middle again at some point, it's really damn good to just dangle my toes in the water and sit on the grass bank. And there is not a big and empty hole in the middle of my chest everyday. The weight of the world is not on my shoulders any longer and it feels good.  I've been realising that I had completely forgotten to take care of myself, and to do the things that I loved. It has truly astounded me.

In a way, depression felt like an out of body experience. And I am only just checking back in.

I don't know if I'd say I wasn't depressed anymore. I think it still lingers. But I am, very slowly, coming out of it. I am recovering every day. I'm finally ready to talk about things that I couldn't stand to think about a few months ago. I am ready to be brave, at long last. It's strange to me now that I am able to get up and out of bed most mornings without crying, overthinking or lingering for a couple of hours. I can now sit in my bed in the middle of the day and know that it is not because I am depressed.

Okay, I'll admit that I still have panic attacks. And I am still anxious a lot of the time. I still apologise quite a bit (as pointed out by my best friend). My mood still changes pretty rapidly and I still let a lot of things get to me. But I know how to handle these episodes now, and I am getting better at self soothing. I've put on a stone in weight, because I am eating regularly now. And I'm reading again, I'm talking to people, and sleeping more.

Four to five months ago, I wanted to die. I'll admit that. Now, for the first time in my life I have bumped into myself on the street again and I'm not repulsed by what I have found. Steph, post depression, is brighter. Her hair is purple, and she has put weight on. She looks healthy and she has so so much to say. I've realised that I cannot go backwards. I can't go back to the me that I was before I slipped and fell into depression. That ship has sailed, I'm afraid. And in truth, I can't remember what that time of life was like. It seems as though depression has either taken those memories too, or has perhaps always overshadowed my life. I wasn't ready to talk, or to accept help, or to admit that there was something wrong. Instead I have accepted that the person I am now is, essentially, someone that I have never known before. She is new to me, and I am learning to walk in her shoes. They are slightly bigger, but they're very pretty.

I'm not going to sit here and preach about self love, and how that can help. Whilst that's true, I know that until recently I wasn't ready to love and be kind to myself. I didn't know how to, and I just didn't want to. I felt unworthy of any kind of love, especially love that came from within. A lecturer of mine often tells me to ride things like spells of anxiety, and panic out. To simply accept that they are happening, and go with it. But to talk about it. And I'll sit in the office with him, or sit with my best friend, or call my mom. Just to talk about the things that are going around in my head. The only piece of advice I will give here, is to try not to bottle things up. Sharing is good, but only if you feel capable of it.

Forgiveness was a huge and important part of my recovery. Acceptance, too. Accepting that I was depressed, and forgiving myself for it. It was not my fault. I've accepted that I have not always made good choices, and forgiven myself for those too. I've forgiven myself for errors of judgement. For all of the hours I have wasted being silent, and not defending myself. For allowing other people to hurt me. And for all of the harm I have done to myself, as well as other people. There are a lot of things I needed to think about, and forgive myself for. I'm ready to do that now.

I hope that you are all having good weeks, and being kind to yourself.


Wednesday, 21 March 2018

2018 books I'm looking forward to.

Good morning world. So it's like quarter to three in the morning and I am still at work, waiting for a phone call. I've started a book and got half way through. But after the book, I have very little left to do until the phone call comes (whenever that may be). And I really can't fall asleep on a desk. So I decided I'd start a blog post with more good intentions, even though I'm painfully aware that this might just become yet another draft post on this: things that I get lost in, or forget about.

I am quite sure that there is something much more important I am meant to be doing. And if my lecturer reads this, he will most certainly agree with me. However, I'm taking some time this morning to just write. Simply because I need to. And I might return today, but I might not. My head is a little bit full right now. So I'm going to write about books. Books that I am looking forward to being released this year. I'll try to include a Goodreads link for each one!

 I Have Lost My Way: Gayle Forman
I had so so much love for If I Stay, and Just One Day. The only one of her books I haven't read is Leave Me. But it's on my list for this year. Forman is incredibly accessible and I love her YA fiction. Perhaps it is because her writing is simple. I can only hope that it's as good as If I Stay and Where she Went. 

‘‘You gonna be okay,’’ she says.

‘‘How can you know that?’’ Harun asks. 
“When a broken bone heals, it’s stronger than it was before the break,’’ she replies. “Same holds true for broken hearts.’’

 The Next person You Meet in Heaven: Mitch Albom

The Five People You Meet In Heaven changed me: totally and completely. It altered my ways of thinking and outlook on life in more ways than any other book ever has, quite possibly. I've read a couple more Albom novels after this but nothing has ever quite lived up to the brilliance of The Five People You Meet In Heaven. I'm really hoping that the sequel will be the same.

“You have peace," the old woman said, "when you make it with yourself.”
(From The Five People You Meet in Heaven).

 Notes On A Nervous Planet: Matt Haig
Now, I suppose that this is a tricky one and I had a confession to make. I've not yet managed to finish Matt Haig's Reasons to Stay Alive. Why? Because I find it easier to read fiction when I am depressed. I like to escape my head if I can. And when I'm feeling okay, I'm scared of rocking the boat. I am not so far ahead of my depression that I feel I can engage with such a reflective text. Regardless of this, I absolutely adore Haig. I think he is revolutionary. I find him comforting, in his fiction and his tweets! Eventually, I will get around to Reasons to Stay Alive! I am excited about Notes on a Nervous Planet all the same and will probably engage with it sooner rather than later.

 Legendary: Stephanie Garber
Oh my god. Where to begin? I have a big soft spot for YA: especially YA fantasy novels. Caraval was one I received in a Fairy Loot box at some point last year. I think I managed it in one sitting: I was hooked! But I have so many questions! I cannot wait to read this sequel. It reminds me of the Night Circus, but better, which I didn't ever imagine was possible! I thought legend was such an interesting character, and we know so little about him from Caraval. I'm ready for a good back story now. And the cover art is absolutely beautiful. I'll be posting a review of this as soon as it comes out and I can get my hands on it.
“Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything.”  

I have a lot of love for Holly Bourne. Late last year, I went to a Waterstones signing for her YA novel It Only Happens in The Movies. She is so grounded, awesome and a really big feminist! She's super entertaining and fun but is passionate about making a change in the world with regard to gender roles and limitations. I love that about her. I'm really interested to see where she goes with an adult novel! I'm very much in love with her Spinster Club series, too; it's fantastic!

And that's not the only Holly Bourne novel I'm excited about....

Look at thiss! This was only announced a couple of days ago, and I am already over the moon at Bourne's upcoming YA publication! I am well and truly fan

It doesn't even have a cover yet. But Bourne is an author that I know will produce something relatable and amazing. Very very excited! There's no Goodreads information on this novel yet, but I'm sure there will be very soon! And August isn't too far away now!
And finally, I draw this post (or rather a list of excited ramblings) to a close with another of my favourite YA authors. Miss Sarah J Maas. I loved the Court of Thorns and Roses trilogy. Rhysand and Feyre will never ever be beaten by another fictional couple. Not even my love for Elizabeth and Darcy can compare (at least I don't think...). I was sure that Maas would be leaving my favourites behind and branching off into other aspects of this world.

So a novella in the same universe will be absolutely perfect. I cannot wait to get back to all of the wonderful characters!!

It's like quarter to four in the morning now, and I'm still at work. But I'm going to get back to a book now. I get to go home soon (I hope!).

Night Night guys.

Let's Talk About Sex...

So let's talk about sex, and this is going to sound like a rant I'm sure. But let's get something straight: Men and ...